Monday, January 13, 2014

January 13, 2014 Limu update

Good morning,
I know it's been a few months since my last posting. Sorry about that. Let me just say, my back pain came back for a little while, but now, it's amazing that I have NO pain what so ever over the last 2 weeks. It's a habit for me to put my hand on my knee when bending over, as stability. But I really don't need to. I guess I also do it for just in case. I don't ever want to go back to that pain. I went skiing and fell (hard too) and my back is still fine. I am super excited about what Limu is doing for me. What can it do for you? Give me a call and we can discuss it. You don't have to be a promoter, but once you see what it does for you after you start drinking it, you may just WANT to promote it. Because everyone knows SOMEONE that needs it.

Have a blessed day,